United Theological Seminary

What is the Difference Between MMin vs MDiv ?

MMIN VS MDIV A master’s is a graduate-level degree, which you can earn in many different fields. Some of the most common master’s degrees people complete in theology are “Master of Divinity” and “Master of Ministry.” These two programs offer similar opportunities and outcomes. But they’re not identical. Read on to learn more about the […]

Benefits of a Seminary Degree

When you find yourself compelled to pursue God’s calling, attending seminary prepares you with the foundational education necessary to become a Christian leader living your God-given purpose. The benefits of a seminary degree extend far beyond developing godly wisdom; attending seminary provides you the opportunity to deepen your community impact through your ministry. In this […]

What Can You Do with a Seminary Degree?

It’s a common misconception that seminary degrees are only for those who aspire to have a career preaching to a congregation every Sunday. While that’s certainly one way to honor God’s calling, it is not the only purpose for pursuing a course in religious studies. Like any traditional higher education program, studying at United Theological […]

What is Seminary?

For those eager to be of service and answer God’s call, seminary offers countless opportunities to deepen and expand one’s faith and provides numerous avenues for burgeoning faith-based careers. WHAT IS A THEOLOGICAL SEMINARY? The most common understanding of a theological seminary is that of a place where students learn to become ministers in a […]

How to Become a Pastor & Education Requirements

HOW DO YOU BECOME A PASTOR? If you have received a calling from God to take on a leadership role in your faith, becoming a pastor is one impactful way to serve. By becoming a pastor, you can spread joy, excitement, and faith through God’s word and acts of service. The road to becoming a […]

How Long is Seminary?

Many people who choose to answer God’s call embark on their journey to do so by attending a seminary program. A popular misconception about seminary school is that every program is the same, and all graduates become pastors or priests. In reality, each course of study is quite different, and seminary education looks different for […]


Deciding to attend seminary is not a decision that anybody should make lightly. Before beginning your seminary education, it’s essential to be sure that it’s the right choice for you. Is studying in a seminary program the best way for you to serve God and others? The answer to that question is deeply personal, but […]


When you are ready to pursue God’s calling, one avenue you may consider is attending seminary. Seminary delivers the foundational education that you need to be successful as a Christian leader on your journey to fulfilling your God-given purpose. Choosing your seminary program is an important decision and one that should be made with much […]


If you’ve been called by God to serve, one way to follow God’s call to ministry is to attend seminary. Seminary graduates grow in godly wisdom and scriptural knowledge to become well-rounded leaders with the ability to achieve a Kingdom impact within the church and their communities. So, what is the purpose of seminary? We […]

Balancing Life & Ministry

Those who have been called to serve God through church ministry often find that their ministry extends beyond the four walls of the church. Ministry is, for many, a way of life. While living your ministry speaks to your dedication to answering God’s call, it can also create challenges when it comes to setting boundaries […]