United Theological Seminary


Contact: disabilities_office@united.edu

United Theological Seminary is committed to providing services that allow students with disabilities to participate in all facets of seminary life according to their unique abilities and interests. This commitment ensures that people with documented disabilities can realize their full potential.


United offers support programs in academics, technology, physical and personal assistance. Academic services are designed to assist students with disabilities in meeting all academic requirements at the seminary. Students with documented disabilities may receive classroom accommodations such as:

  • Test Proctoring services for students needing additional time, an environment with reduced distractions, adaptive computer accommodations, and/or reading or writing assistance
  • Classroom accommodations
  • Online course accessibility w/ closed-captioning where applicable
  • Screen reader friendly


If you have a documented disability, please complete the Application for Disability Services and return it to the Office of Disability Services once you have submitted your application for admission to United. A copy of professional documentation of disability should be submitted along with your application. Documentation includes:

  • Certification of Attention Deficit/Hyperactivity Disorder
    Testing assessment using acceptable testing instruments and measures. Provide specifics of how learning and academic activities are impaired in an academic setting that is supported by the data in the testing assessment.
  • Academic Accommodations for Learning Disabilities
    A psycho-educational assessment using acceptable testing instruments and measures. The assessment must give specifics of the learning disability that is clearly supported by the data in the assessment.
  • Certification of Physical Disabilities
    Involving Medical, Physical, Hearing or Visual Impairments can be certified by a physician or counselor.
  • Certification of Psychological Disabilities
    Testing evaluation using acceptable testing instruments. Provide specifics of how learning and academic activities are impaired in an academic setting that is supported by the data in the evaluation.
  • A list of services provided in high school and/or other schools attended
    Individual Education Plan (IEP), Evaluation Team Report (ETR), 504 Plan, and/or letter describing services used at previous colleges attended.
  • A transcript of grades from other schools attended
    All documents submitted are placed in a confidential student file and will not be returned to the applicant, nor forwarded to any agency or other college or university. We suggest you submit copies, keeping the original documents for your use at a later time.

Download the Application for Services.

Submit application and documentation to the Office of Disabilities at disabilities_office@united.edu.

Once all documentation materials have been received and reviewed, you will be contacted by the Office of Disabilities to let you know if you have qualified for services.

Scheduled maintenance through 6 a.m. (ET), 1/22/2025: Students, faculty and staff may have limited access to your United account.
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