United Theological Seminary


As a residential or distance student at United Theological Seminary, you will find personal connection with our faculty, a wealth of community engagement and church resources for theological education. By participating in the United community, you will be challenged to know God better and to serve God more faithfully.

Students, faculty and staff at United build community by studying and sharing together in worship, common meal, ministry groups, communal events and service to others. United is a diverse community of women and men who bring a variety of viewpoints, cultures and expressions of faith into dynamic interaction. Participants in the life of the seminary have opportunities to grow as people of God in ministry to the Church and the world.


The United community gathers regularly in worship to celebrate God and be formed in the image of Christ, so that we may be a united people of hope to our communities. Chapel services are held weekly during the fall and spring semesters. Worship services also anchor our doctoral and master’s intensive weeks. Some worship gatherings are streamed on Facebook Live or on the Seminary’s Livestream channel. You can access past services in our streaming archives.

Tesia Mallory, Director of Worship


The United community gathers regularly for common meals during the fall and spring semesters and during doctoral and master’s intensive weeks. Gathering at table together provides opportunities for fellowship among the whole United community. Special community meals may be planned at other times of the year. Costs for required meals are included in the student fees for each semester, unless a student has been excused by the Academic Dean.


The Student Council represents the student body at United. Elected by the students in the spring of each year, the Council advocates on their behalf by serving as members of the following standing faculty committees: Student Development, Masters Studies Committee and Worship and Spiritual Life. Student Council also names a student trustee to represent student interests on the Board of Trustees. The Student Council meets monthly during the fall and spring semesters, as well as hosts student activities throughout the academic year.

Contact: studentcouncil@united.edu


United’s Housing Coordinator provides support for students seeking long- or short-term housing options in Dayton. Whether you are living in Dayton while attending seminary, or looking for accommodations during a doctoral or master’s intensive week, United can provide you with resources and support.

Contact: housing@united.edu

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