United Theological Seminary

Spirit Led,
Renewing the Church!

Spirit Led,
Renewing the Church!

Become a bold, Spirit-filled leader.

At United Theological Seminary, we believe in the transformative power of the Holy Spirit that occurs as you grow in your faith and live into your God-given purpose. Our curriculum is rooted in the power of the Holy Spirit and the biblical tradition, exposing students to God’s transforming work in their lives. We hope that through your study at United you will become a bold, Spirit-filled leader who makes disciples of Jesus Christ and in doing so makes a difference in the world.
“And do not be conformed to this world, but be transformed by the renewing of your mind, so that you may prove what the will of God is, that which is good and acceptable and perfect.” -Romans 12:2

The United difference:

  • Follow God’s call
  • Embark on a powerful academic and spiritual journey
  • Connect with a multi-ethnic, interdenominational Christian community
  • Learn from faculty members who are committed Christians and scholars
  • Choose learning options that are right for you, online or on campus
  • Prepare for ministry with practical, hands-on learning experiences

United offers outstanding faculty who care about both your academic and spiritual growth, flexible options that make high quality learning accessible wherever you live, and practical education that prepares you for ministry in the Church and beyond.

Be transformed, renew your mind

Study and grow in a community of diverse Christian perspectives that allows you to learn from your peers, refine your beliefs and pursue God’s call on your life.

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Become a bold, Spirit-filled leader.

At United Theological Seminary, we believe in the transformative power of the Holy Spirit that occurs as you grow in your faith and live into your God-given purpose. Our curriculum is rooted in the power of the Holy Spirit and the biblical tradition, exposing students to God’s transforming work in their lives. We hope that through your study at United you will become a bold, Spirit-filled leader who makes disciples of Jesus Christ and in doing so makes a difference in the world.
“And do not be conformed to this world, but be transformed by the renewing of your mind, so that you may prove what the will of God is, that which is good and acceptable and perfect.” -Romans 12:2

The United difference:

  • Follow God’s call
  • Embark on a powerful academic and spiritual journey
  • Connect with a multi-ethnic, interdenominational Christian community
  • Learn from faculty members who are committed Christians and scholars
  • Choose learning options that are right for you, online or on campus
  • Prepare for ministry with practical, hands-on learning experiences
United offers outstanding faculty who care about both your academic and spiritual growth, flexible options that make high quality learning accessible wherever you live, and practical education that prepares you for ministry in the Church and beyond.

Be transformed, renew your mind

Study and grow in a community of diverse Christian perspectives that allows you to learn from your peers, refine your beliefs and pursue God’s call on your life.

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United prepares faithful and fruitful Christian leaders to make disciples of Jesus Christ.

Values and Beliefs

We are committed to the historic faith in Jesus Christ passed down to us through scripture, sacraments, creeds and the fathers and mothers of the Church; scriptural holiness for personal transformation and the transformation of the world; and church renewal through the power of the Holy Spirit.

Follow God’s call at United.

4501 Denlinger Road, Dayton, OH 45426