United Theological Seminary

Bishop Darin W. Moore is a native of Mt. Vernon, NY and began his college education at Livingstone College, graduating from Purchase College, in Purchase, NY with a Bachelor of Arts Degree in Psychology. Theological studies were done at Yale University Divinity School obtaining the M.Div. from United Theological Seminary. He received his Doctor of Ministry Degree from UTS as well as an honorary Doctorate from Livingstone College in Salisbury, North Carolina. 

Pastoral assignments for Bishop Moore have included Clarksville and Morning Star A.M.E. Zion Churches, Monroe, NC, Mt. Olivet A.M.E. Zion Church, Greensboro, NC, and Jones Tabernacle A.M.E. Zion Church, Indianapolis, IN. While in Greensboro, he served on the Commission for the Greensboro Coliseum and the County Commission on Children and Youth. In Indianapolis, Bishop Moore served two terms as President of the Board of Directors for the Greater Indianapolis Church Federation and was the Presiding Elder of the Indianapolis District for the A.M.E. Zion Church. 

In July, 2012 Bishop Moore was elevated to the episcopacy from Greater Centennial A.M.E. Zion Church, Mt. Vernon, NY as the 99th bishop in succession. During his tenure as pastor of Greater Centennial the congregation grew from a few hundred to more than six thousand five hundred members. 

Bishop Moore’s service to the A.M.E. Zion Church has included Vice Chairman of the Harriet Tubman Board, Treasurer of the New York Conference, Chairman of the New York Conference Board of Trustees, Presiding Elder of the Bahama Islands-Nassau District, Chairman of the Budget Committee during the 2008 and 2012 General Conferences, Member of the Executive Committee of the Connectional Budget Board, Founding Chairman of YACM, and Chairman of the Restructuring Commission. He is the Chair of the National Council of Churches, the largest ecumenical body in the United States, comprised of 38 denominations with a total membership of more than 30 million.

Bishop Moore served two consecutive terms as President of the Mount Vernon Board of Education. Additionally, he served as President of the United Black Clergy of Westchester, the Founding Chairperson for Save Our Seed Ministries, and a former member of the Westchester County African American Advisory Board. He is Founder and the past President of the Greater Centennial Community Development Corporation and past President of Greater Centennial Homes where he led in the construction of the James Varick Homes for 1st time home buyers, construction of the Zion Court Apartments, and a $12 million substantial renovation of Greater Centennial Homes. 

Twice, Bishop Moore has been selected as the Morning Preacher for the Hampton Ministers’ Conference and his sermons have been published in The African American Pulpit Forum and the Balm in Gilead Journal. He is the author/editor of two books. Currently, Bishop Moore serves as the Presiding Bishop of the Mid-Atlantic Episcopal District, including: Allegheny, Barbados, East Tennessee-Virginia, Guyana, Philadelphia-Baltimore, Ohio, St. Vincent, and Virginia Conferences.

A loving husband to Devieta C. Moore and devoted father to Daron (Elaina), Dana, and Dion; Bishop Moore uses as his theme: “It’s our OUTREACH that validates our UPREACH!” 


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