United Theological Seminary

Tesia Mallory

Lecturer in Worship


Tesia’s teaching and research interests include sacramental pneumatology, Wesleyan eucharistic theology, liturgical theology, the historical development of the liturgical year, ritual studies and anthropology, church music, and liturgical composition.


Attended, Anderson University

BS, Taylor University Fort Wayne

MDiv, United Theological Seminary

DMin, United Theological Seminary


Tesia L. Mallory | Worship Resources. tesiamallory.substack.com (2023-present).

That Liturgical Stuff: How Worship Shapes Orthodoxy. Firebrand Magazine (2023).

The Service of Ordination of the Global Methodist Church. The Global Methodist Church Liturgy Taskforce (2022).

Our Great Redeemer’s Praise: A Hymnal for All God’s People. Contributor (Seedbed, 2022).

The Faith Once Delivered: A Wesleyan Witness. The Next Methodism Summit by The John Wesley Institute. Writer and Signatory (2022).

Grace, Healing, and Unity in the Breaking of Bread. Co-author with Jessica LaGrone. The Next Methodism: Theological, Social, and Mission Foundations for Global Methodism (Seedbed, 2022).

Music as Proclamation. Worship Arts Magazine (Fellowship of United Methodists in Music and Worship Arts, September 2015).


Dean of the Chapel at United Theological Seminary

Member of the Wesleyan Theological Society and Wesleyan Liturgical Society

Member of the Liturgy Committee for the Global Methodist Church

Independent Worship Leader and Consultant

Worship Leader for Spirit and Truth (www.spiritandtruth.life)

Vocal Coach and Teacher

Full member of the Allegheny West Annual Conference of The Global Methodist Church (Ordained Elder)


Tesia’s interests include traveling, singing, writing and playing music, and performing in the acoustic duo The Nautical Theme (www.thenauticaltheme.com)

She is married to Jimmy, who is also an ordained elder in the GMC and Writing Center Coordinator at United. Together they have two children, Julian and Leland.