United Theological Seminary

Portrait of Dr. Justus Hunter

Justus H. Hunter

Associate Professor of Church History

Director of the Doctor of Theology Program


Justus teaches church history and theology. His research and teaching interests are in the areas of medieval theology, scholasticism, doctrine of God and Christology.


BA, Asbury College (2004)

MDiv, Asbury Theological Seminary (2009)

MA, The University of Dayton (2011)

PhD, Southern Methodist University (2015)


Justus’s academic work appears in The ThomistNova et VeteraThe Saint Anselm JournalWesleyan Theological JournalEcclesiology, and elsewhere. His popular writing appears in The Living ChurchChurch Life JournalSapientiaInside Higher EdSeedbedGood News Magazine, and elsewhere.


If Adam Had Not Sinned: The Reason for the Incarnation from Anselm to Scotus. (The Catholic University of America Press, 2020)

The Absolute Basics of the Wesleyan Way, with Philip Tallon. (Seedbed, 2020)


Justus is married to Ellen Hunter, and they have two sons, Justus II and Miles, and two daughters, Lucy and Rose. They are parishioners of Emmanuel Catholic Church in Dayton, Ohio.