United Theological Seminary

Andrew Sung Park

Professor of Theology and Ethics


Andrew’s teaching and research interests include Christian Mystics, the dialogue between Theology and Science, Liberation Theology, Ecological Theology, Healing Theology, Global Theology, Transformation of Christianity and Christian Ethics.


BA, Seoul Methodist Theological University

MDiv, The Iliff School of Theology

MA, The Claremont School of Theology

PhD, Graduate Theological Union at Berkeley


A Big Picture of Heaven and Hell: Near Death Experiencers and Christian Mystics. CreativeSpace, 2018.

Triune Atonement: Christ’s Healing for Sinners, Victims, and the Whole Creation. Westminster John Knox Press, 2009.

From Hurt to Healing: A Theology of the Wounded. Abingdon Press, 2004.

The Other Side of Sin. Co-editor with Susan Nelson. State University of New York Press, 2001.

The Changing Face of God: God Who Needs Our Salvation (Video lecture. New York: Washington National Cathedral and Morehouse, 2000).

Racial Conflict and Healing: An Asian-American Theological Perspective.Orbis Books, 1996.
Andrew was awarded a Gustavus Myers Award for an outstanding book on human rights in North America for this book.

Korean Family Devotions. Co-Author. Upper Room Books, 1994.

The Wounded Heart of God: The Asian Concept of Han and the Christian Doctrine of Sin. Abingdon Press, 1993.


Full Member of the California-Nevada Annual Conference of the United Methodist Church (Ordained Elder)

Member of the American Academy of Religion (AAR)

Steering Member of the Teaching and Learning Committee of AAR

Member of Center for Natural Sciences and Theology

Member of the Center for Process Studies

Member of “Interfaith Just Peacemaking”

Editorial Board Member of Journal of Asian & Asian-American Theology

Steering Committee Member of the Korean Religion of AAR

Board Member of “GoTell Communications”



Andrew’s interests include jugging, singing, playing the guitar, tennis, soccer and ping pong.

He is married to Jane, who works as a Chemist at Sinclair. Together, they have enjoyed studying alternative medicine and learning how to relate theology to science.