Are you exploring a call to ministry and leadership in a Wesleyan or Methodist denomination? Consider joining many United Methodists and others who share a commitment to an orthodox understanding of Christian faith and long to partner in the Great Commission in the context of a global church.
The Global Methodist House of Study at United Theological Seminary is designed to prepare women and men for biblically-grounded and Spirit-filled leadership for dynamic discipleship, effective pastoral ministry, and world-wide mission in a vibrant expression of the Wesleyan and Methodist heritage.
John Wesley famously declared, “The world is my parish.” Early Methodists set out to “spread Scriptural holiness across the land.” Today, travel and technology connect our world in ways John Wesley never could have imagined, yet the hunger and need for the message of Scriptural holiness is greater than ever before.
United offers accredited master’s degrees and non-credit certificates to prepare you for ministry. As a Recommended Educational Institution of the Global Methodist Church, United and its academic programs are approved to fulfill the basic educational requirements prior to ordination as a deacon or elder in the GM Church.
Rev. Gregory Stover brings a breadth of experience as a pastor and leader in the United Methodist Church. Over more than forty years he led growth in congregations in varied contexts as he sought to make disciples of Jesus Christ. He initiated a “Faith Promise” approach to mission giving in a congregation that gave $5,000 the first year and over $1,000,000 across forty years to support evangelism and other mission projects. He led another congregation in a new vision including partnering with a nearby urban neighborhood and Cincinnati City Gospel Mission to open a successful tutoring program and provide other needs for an diverse community. He guided three churches through significant building programs to provide facilities for growing ministries.
Rev. Stover also serve seven years as District Superintendent of the Cincinnati District. He worked with the District Strategy Committee to develop a plan to revitalize local congregations through mission-focused appointments and strategic mergers — including the merger requested by two African-American congregations which resulted in new facilities and expanded outreach to their community.
A graduate of United Theological Seminary (1977). He has taught several courses at UTS including: Introduction to Evangelism, United Methodist Doctrine and Polity, and Preparing for the Board of Ordained Ministry. He currently serves on the President’s Advisory Board.
A desire to proclaim Jesus Christ as Savior and Lord, and teach the Scripture as the Christian’s rule for faith and life provides foundation for his ministry. A commitment to theological, spiritual, and missional renewal in the church, based in orthodox and Wesleyan theology, shapes his ministry. These commitments have motivated him to serve regularly on the boards of renewal movements in the church. He was a participant in the gathering leading to the formation of the Wesleyan Covenant Association, a group working toward a new orthodox expression of Methodism.
When God calls you to ministry, finances shouldn’t stand in the way. That’s why United is committed to helping students pursue their calling through a high-quality, affordable education.
If you are considering one of United’s Houses of Study, you may be eligible for the House of Study Scholarship!
The establishment and maintenance of Houses of Study at United Theological Seminary are dependent on sufficient enrollment.