United Theological Seminary

Dr. Kevin Sykes

Co-Mentor: Building Bridges Out of Crises Moments for the Church and Community


Building Bridges Out of Crises Moments for the Church and Community

Building Bridges Out of Crises Moments will focus on the developments of crisis in both church and community. These crises may encompass family dynamics, the mandates of states, schools, health, and justice reform. Leadership must shift in addressing our contextual new norms in the church through preaching, teaching, and singing to empty pews while ministering to exposed community crises the church seeks to address. We will explore ways of building new ministries that now rest on the hinges of outdated church infrastructure. The history of the church and community has always built bridges, but now these bridges must be built through crises moments that we all find ourselves in. We will also explore ways of building bridges that will take us through these crises to places of new resolution that include technology for both the church and community.

Learn more about United’s Doctor of Ministry program


  • D.Min., United Theological Seminary (2021)
  • M.Div., Samuel Dewitt Proctor School of Theology at Virginia Union (2000)
  • B.A., Virginia Union (1996)


Rev. Dr. Kevin Sykes serves as the Senior Pastor at St. James Baptist Church in Richmond, Virginia (2004 – Present).
