United Theological Seminary

Dr. John Faison, Sr.

Co-Mentor: Clarke Cummings Scholars: Prophetic and Pastoral Ministry Through the Lens of the New Testament Antioch Church


Clarke Cummings Scholars: Prophetic and Pastoral Ministry Through the Lens of the New Testament Antioch Church

This Doctor of Ministry Focus Group is designed to enable clergy and faith-based leaders to develop a clear understanding of the correlation and connection between prophetic preaching and pastoral presence. This group is also designed to highlight the significance of the minister as leader as visualized through the lens of the Antioch Church (Acts 13) where there was evidence of a vibrant ministry that was both multicultural and multiethnic. Prophetic preachers from the past and present will inform the lectures and projects. This group will share a common bibliography, engage the principles of hermeneutical interpretation, systemic and institutional analysis, and covenant with one another for mutual learning and support.

Learn more about United’s Doctor of Ministry program


  • D.Min., Payne Theological Seminary (2019)
  • M.A., Regent University (2014)


Rev. Dr. John Faison, Sr., serves as Senior Pastor of Watson Grove Baptist Church in Nashville, Tennessee (2012 – present). 
