United Theological Seminary

DAYTON, Ohio, June 21, 2022 — Dr. David Watson, Academic Dean and Vice President for Academic Affairs, has announced that Dr. Cheryl Bridges Johns will join the faculty of United Theological Seminary as Visiting Professor of Pentecostal Studies, beginning July 1, 2022. In addition, Dr. Bridges Johns will serve as Director of the Global Pentecostal House of Study at United.

An ordained member of the International Pentecostal Holiness Church, Dr. Bridges Johns brings a wealth of experience as an ecumenist and scholar. She is past President of the Society for Pentecostal Studies and has represented the Pentecostal movement in several inter-denominational initiatives. She has frequently lectured across the United States and internationally, and she is currently completing her tenure as Senior Professor of Discipleship and Christian Formation at the Pentecostal Theological Seminary.

“For several years I’ve watched with gratitude the move of the Spirit taking place at United, and at this stage of my journey, I’m honored to have the opportunity to be part of a community of people devoted to being rooted in the historic faith, growing in Scriptural holiness, and bearing fruit in church renewal,” said Dr. Bridges Johns. “The Global Pentecostal House of Study promises to become a generative space for the intersections between the Wesleyan and Pentecostal traditions.”

Dr. Bridges Johns is a graduate of Wheaton College (MA) and Southern Baptist Theological Seminary (PhD). She is the author of Finding Eternal Treasures, Pentecostal Formation: A Pedagogy Among the Oppressed, Seven Transforming Gifts of Menopause, and Re-enchanting the Text: Discovering the Bible as Sacred, Dangerous, and Mysterious (forthcoming, fall 2022).

United Theological Seminary is a graduate professional school of The United Methodist Church. For the past 150 years, it has prepared men and women to become faithful and fruitful Christian leaders who make disciples of Jesus Christ. On-campus and online learning options provide access to master’s and doctoral theological degrees or continuing education.