Distinguished Professor of Pentecostal Studies; Director of the Global Pentecostal House of Study
Homiletics, inductive Bible study, Wesleyan-Pentecostal theology, the intersection of pneumatology and Scripture.
BA, Lee College, 1975
MA, Wheaton College, 1976
PhD, Southern Baptist Theological Seminary, 1987
Co-Authored with Jackie David Johns, Encountering the Living Word: Relational Inductive Bible Study. Aldersgate, forthcoming Fall 2022.
Finding Eternal Treasures. Pathway Press, 1986.
Edited, along with Lisa Stephenson, Grieving, Brooding, Transforming: The Spirit, the Bible, and Gender. Brill, 2021.
Pentecostal Formation: A Pedagogy Among the Oppressed. Wipf and Stock, 2010.
Seven Transforming Gifts of Menopause: An Unexpected Spiritual Journey. Brazos Press, 2020.
Re-enchanting the Text: Discovering the Bible as Sacred, Dangerous, and Mysterious. Baker Academic, fall 2022.
While at the Pentecostal Theological Seminary, Cheryl Bridges Johns served in the Robert E. Fisher Chair of Spiritual Renewal. She is past President of the Society for Pentecostal Studies. From 1996-2002 she was a member of the Executive Board for the Association of Theological Schools in the United States and Canada. In 1997 she was named a Henry Luce III Fello. She served on the Selection Committee for the ATS Lilly Faculty Grants and chaired the committee for one year. From 2003-2005 she was a member of the Doctoral Dissertation Award Committee for the Fund for Theological Education. She was a member of the Selection Committee for the prestigious Grawemeyer Award in Religion (2007).
Dr. Bridges Johns is a leading ecumenist, representing the Pentecostal movement in several venues. She was a participant in the International Roman Catholic-Pentecostal Dialogue, and was a long- term member of Evangelicals and Catholics Together (ECT). She was active in the Commission on Faith and Order for the National Council of Churches (1992-1996) and served on its Executive Committee. She has participated in a number of World Council of Churches initiatives. Dr. Bridges Johns delivered the plenary address at the Global Christian Forum meeting in Kenya (2007) and at National Meeting for Christian Churches Together (2014).
Dr. Bridges Johns has been invited to deliver several lectures, including the Jamison Jones Lecturing in Preaching at the Divinity School, Duke University; Focus on Ministry Lectures at Christian Theological Seminary (1998); Holy Living Lectures, Haggard School of Theology, Azusa Pacific University (2004); Smyth Lectures, Columbia Theological Seminary (2008). She had been a guest lecturer for the Center for Theology at Associated Mennonite Biblical Seminary (2007); St Paul School of Theology (1998, 2005); Emmanuel College, Victoria University (1998); Chandler Divinity School, Duke University (1992); Regent College, University of British Columbia; Center for Theological Inquiry, Princeton Theological Seminary (2006); Orebro Theological College, Orebro, Sweden (2004, 2017).
Dr. Bridges Johns is the author of Finding Eternal Treasures, Pentecostal Formation: A Pedagogy Among the Oppressed, Seven Transforming Gifts of Menopause, and Re-enchanting the Text: Discovering the Bible as Sacred, Dangerous, and Mysterious (fall 2022). She has written numerous articles for academic journals and presented numerous papers at academic conferences. At its General Assembly In 2012 the Church of God honored Dr. Bridges Johns with its Distinguished Educator Faculty Award. In 2013 her alma mater, Emmanuel College, named her for the G. Earl Beatty Servant Leadership Award. In 2020, Dr. Bridges Johns was granted an honorary doctorate from the Pentecostal Theological Seminary.
Dr. Bridges Johns is ordained in the International Pentecostal Holiness Church (IPHC). She is married to Jackie David Johns and they have two daughters and five grandchildren. Along with her husband, Jackie David Johns, Dr. Johns planted a church where they served as pastors for over 27 years.