United Theological Seminary

ThD Faculty

As you are discerning your God-given calling and deciding which seminary is right for you, you might be wondering what seminary is like and how you might fit into the community. We thought you might like to hear from others who have made this journey before you, those who are realizing their purpose at United.

We invite you to take a few minutes to hear from our students and alumni/ae, as they express what their spiritual journey at United meant to them and share their advice for people like you who are considering United Theological Seminary.

Reggie Abraham

Assistant Professor of Pastoral Care and Chaplaincy

Peter Bellini

Professor of Church Renewal and Evangelism in the Heisel Chair

Pauline Buisch

Assistant Professor of Old Testament

Rebekah Clapp

Wendy Deichmann

Professor of History and Theology

Lisa Hess

Professor of Practical Theology and Contextual Ministries

Justus Hunter

Assistant Professor

Vivian Johnson

Professor of Old Testament; Associate Dean of Academic Affairs

Scott Kisker

Professor of the History of Christianity; Associate Dean for Masters Programs

Anthony Le Donne

Professor of New Testament

Andrew Park


David Watson

Professor of New Testament; Academic Dean

Adam Wirring