United Theological Seminary

DAYTON, Ohio, June 15, 2022 — United Theological Seminary is pleased to announce Dr. Reggie Abraham will join its faculty as Assistant Professor of Chaplaincy and Pastoral Care, effective July 1, 2022. Dr. Abraham is an ordained Pentecostal minister with over thirty years of experience in church, para-church and missionary leadership. He has congregational ministry experience as a pastor, assistant pastor and youth pastor. Dr. Abraham holds a ThM and MDiv from Princeton Theological Seminary. His PhD, also from Princeton, was in Pastoral Theology with a specialization in Pastoral Care.

In addition to his graduate work in seminary, Dr. Abraham has been trained in counseling psychology and international educational development, and he has completed his clinical pastoral education in hospice and level-1 trauma medical centers. He previously served as Founder and President of the Mercy Initiative (Hillsborough, NJ), a Christian ministry that focuses on witnessing to the Gospel by providing relief in four areas of need (education, health, clothing and shelter) with special attention to ministerial families in Asia. He also served as Director of Impact Youth and Prison Ministry (Brooklyn, NY), where he worked with at-risk youth in multiple contexts from suburbs to the inner city of the New York metropolitan area. He coordinated and led programs including discipleship classes for youth, chapel services, and weekly Bible studies for inmates at Rikers Island Correctional Facility.

Dr. Abraham’s research interests include pastoral care and counseling, the psychology of religion, congregational ministry, outreach and evangelism, and comparative religions.