United Theological Seminary

God Brings Resurrection Out of Crucifixion

January 11, 2021

Our Loving God,

We come to you during a painful, crucifying time in our lives and in our nation.

You know the pain we are going through caused by the coronavirus pandemic. You know and feel the pain of all those families who have lost loved ones, have lost jobs, have lost businesses, have lost educational experiences, and have lost the opportunity to worship you in person with their communities. You know how we feel lost and adrift because of the recommendations to avoid close contact with family and friends, shelter in place and observe other restrictions for our health and well-being.

Furthermore, you know the pain we are going through because of the bitter political divisions among us. You know the pain we felt when we saw people barging into the United States Capitol building and causing the elected United States Senators and Representatives to go into hiding for their own protection. You know the pain we feel over the loss of life related to this illegal intrusion.

O God, we remember how your son Jesus Christ went through pain and crucifixion during the last week of his life here on earth. We remember how he was betrayed by one of his disciples, denied by others, beaten, mocked, tried, condemned to die on a cross and was buried.

When it seemed like all was lost, you brought resurrection and new life to Jesus Christ so that he might live among us now bringing salvation, forgiveness, love and power through the Holy Spirit.

Our merciful God, we pray that you would bring resurrection and new life to us individually and as a nation out of the painful, crucifying times we are going through today.

We remember that on the cross the last words of Jesus were, “Father, into your hands I surrender my spirit.” (Luke 23:46)

During this crucifying time, we pray the same prayer: “Father, into your hands we surrender ourselves, our concerns, our congregations and our country.”

O God we are driven to our knees in prayer and surrender to you because we know we cannot resolve all of these challenges by our own efforts. We need you, we love you, we worship you, we surrender to you and we trust that you will bring resurrection and new life out of these crucifying times.

In Christ’s name we pray.


Grace and Peace,

Kent Millard
United Theological Seminary