United Theological Seminary

Dr. Christopher M. Jones

Co-Mentor: Builders and Bridgers: Transformational Approaches to Pastoral Leadership, Prophetic Preaching, and Spiritual Formation


Builders and Bridgers: Transformational Approaches to Pastoral Leadership, Prophetic Preaching, and Spiritual Formation

The objective of this group is to mentor and empower pastors and leaders who are interested in the study of transformational leadership, prophetic preaching, and the practice of the ancient Christian spiritual disciplines which fostered renewal in the leader and congregation. A special emphasis will be given to the study on the interconnections between the pastor/leader’s discernment of calling and how one’s personal Christian journey informs how one provides creative pastoral leadership to their ministry context and local community. Participants in this focus group will explore creative preaching and leadership models, emerging postmodern spiritual practices, and new missional approaches to church revitalization which have allowed for the design of relevant ministry programming, developing effective discipleship methods, and fostering competencies in the work of anticipating cultural trends within the post-quarantine era which impact the work of strengthening the local church and community.

Learn more about United’s Doctor of Ministry program

Education & Professional

  • D. Min., Memphis Theological Seminary (2011)
  • M.Div., Princeton Theological Seminary (2007)
  • Adjunct Professor, Pastoral Leadership and Church Administration, Pillar College, Newark, NJ (2021-Present)
  • Chaplain, Hillside Police & Fire Department, Hillside, NJ (2017-Present)
  • Senior Pastor, First Baptist Church of Hillside, NJ, Hillside, NJ (2008-Present)
