United Theological Seminary


Dr. Reggie Abraham

United Theological Seminary has had a long-standing commitment to Clinical Pastoral Education (CPE), a training program designed to help clergy candidates develop their pastoral care skills through supervised ministry in institutional settings. We continue this commitment by encouraging our students to take one unit of CPE in a hospital, hospice, correctional facility, or other community setting.

In a typical unit of CPE, students will complete 300 hours of clinical practice and 100 hours of didactic training. Through encounters with people in pain, discussions with peers and supervisors, and personal reflection on the theology and the practice of care, students develop self-awareness in ministry settings, new perspectives on human suffering, and skills for providing care in the difficult moments of life.

Please note that CPE is offered at a wide variety of sites across the country with schedules that will fit diverse needs. Some denominations require one or more units of CPE for ordination. Students must check with their denominational offices regarding CPE requirements before applying to a CPE program.

United Theological Seminary students will receive 6 credits for one unit of CPE taken through any of these training organizations:

  • The Association for Clinical Pastoral Education (acpe.edu)
  • The Institute for Clinical Pastoral Training (icpt.edu)
  • Clinical Pastoral Education International (cpe-international.org) for overseas students

Interested students should register for PC699 Clinical Pastoral Education.



Check with your denomination regarding acceptable CPE training organizations and the number of units required for ordination (if any).


Select a certified ACPE, ICPT, or CPE-International site.


Once you have selected the CPE organization and preferred site, apply directly through the organization’s website. It is a good idea to call your preferred site and introduce yourself as an applicant.


Apply directly to the CPE organization using the links above. Please make sure you read the FAQ’s pages on the organization’s site for further information.

The training site may require you to pay an application fee and a tuition fee to train with them. You are responsible for paying application fees. United will pay up to $600 of your training site tuition fee (only) after you submit written evidence of acceptance into CPE training. More on this below.

Also, note that some training sites offer stipends to train with them. Each training site is different in what it can offer, so be informed of the financial costs (or benefits!).


Once you are accepted to a CPE site, you can sign up to receive seminary credit for your training and request payment for the training program fee.

Course Registration Directions

  1. Add the course (PC699) through the Student Portal.
  2. Upload a copy of your CPE acceptance letter to Canvas and notify the CPE Coordinator.

Requesting Payment of Training Fees

  1. Contact the Registrar for the Financial Reimbursement Form.
  2. Work with your on-site CPE Supervisor to complete all necessary portions of the form and return it to the Registrar.
  3. United will pay the CPE site directly.
  4. Failure to complete the CPE unit requires the student to reimburse the payment to United.


In order to receive PC699 credit at the end of your CPE training experience, the Pastoral Care Department must receive a final CPE supervisory evaluation. Upload this document to the Canvas shell for PC699. Please note that a delay in uploading this material will delay the granting of course credit.

Notify United’s CPE Coordinator by email (rabraham@united.edu) that the requisite material has been uploaded to Canvas. Include in the email: (1) Your Name, (2) Your CPE site, (3) Your CPE Supervisor’s name, (4) Your CPE Supervisor’s email address.

Once we receive the CPE Supervisory Evaluation your grade for PC699 will be upgraded to “P” (Pass) and you will be awarded 6 credits.

That’s it! Complete these steps and you will receive seminary credit for your CPE.