United Theological Seminary

2024 Heirs of Pietism in World Christianity 2 Conference Recap

The second Heirs of Pietism in World Christianity conference took place at United Theological Seminary in Dayton, Ohio, October 23-25, 2024. Sponsored by the Center for The Evangelical United Brethren Heritage, the event featured academic presentations and worship in the spirit of the Pietist heritage of the school.

Steven O’Malley’s opening address examined the influence of the 18th century Herborn School in Germany upon William Otterbein and the United Brethren in Christ (UBC) in North America. The opening set of papers included an exploration by Wendy Deichmann of the presence of women in the pre-founding years of the UBC, and an evaluation of the theology of Holy Communion as a means to unity in the 20th century Evangelical United Brethren (EUB) Church by Andrew Kinsey.

On the second day scholars explored Pietism in 17th and 18th century Europe, including a comparison of Arminianism and Continental Pietism by Richard Clark, the essentially eternal or open nature of the human in 18th century medical discourse by Laurel Lied, an assessment of the educational theology of Amos Comenius by Ryan Bianchet, and a presentation on the “theopoetics” of Pietism by Scott Holland. Pietism in the theology of John Wesley came into focus in presentations by Michael Hoff and George Fickley, while Joshua Toepper brought to light female Pietist emphases in the ministry of Wesley’s contemporary, English Methodist Mary Bosanquet Fletcher.

In the final set of papers, Xavier Johnson recounted the significance of Pietism in the life and ministry of 19th century AME Bishop Daniel Alexander Payne, Denise Kettering-Lane analyzed immigration patterns between Krefeld, Germany and Germantown, Pennsylvania, Klaus Arnold examined the theology of the church in the “New Pietism” of Theodor Jellinghaus, and Andrew Wood compared and contrasted the EUB tradition and the 20th century Church of the Nazarene. 

Highlights also included worship let by Scott Kisker and Andrew Kinsey, stimulating discussion between speakers, faculty and staff members, students, and alumni/ae, and rich fellowship around delicious meals prepared by Jeri Getts and her team.

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