El Seminario Teológico Unido


United Theological Seminary prohibits discrimination against any individual on the basis of race, color, religion, theological perspective, sex, age, national origin, disability, sexual orientation, marital status, parental status or veteran status with reference to the seminary’s admission policies, academic standards and policies, and in the granting of scholarships, loans and other financial aid.

United es una institución Cristiana que considera que las relaciones humanas son sagradas y que el cuerpo humano es santo. Por lo tanto, busca crear un ambiente seguro y lleno de gracia para todas las personas, en el que el valor humano y las relaciones sean honrados y respetados. Es política de United Theological Seminary proporcionar a todos los estudiantes y empleados un ambiente libre de acoso sexual y otras formas de acoso y su interferencia con su comodidad o desempeño en el aula o el lugar de trabajo. Cualquier comportamiento que constituya acoso sexual u otro acoso discriminatorio es una violación de la dignidad y los derechos humanos y no será tolerado.

As a matter of ethical, moral and legal responsibility, United Theological Seminary affirms its obligations under Title IX, the Campus Sexual Violence Elimination Act, Campus Save Act and the Clery Act. These acts prohibit a variety of discrimination. Descriptions of these regulations can be found at the sitio web del Departamento de Educación de los EE. UU .

La política vinculada a continuación aborda los requisitos y el manejo del Seminario de estas responsabilidades como institución privada que recibe asistencia financiera federal.

In accordance with U.S. Department of Education guidelines, United Theological Seminary’s policy and procedures for resolving complaints of harassment, sexual misconduct and other forms of discrimination are listed below. To file a report, download, print and complete the Formulario de Informe.


The seminary Title IX Coordinators oversee compliance with all aspects of the sex/gender harassment, discrimination and misconduct policy. The Coordinators report directly to the President of the Seminary. Questions about this policy should be directed to the Title IX Coordinators. Anyone wishing to make a report relating to discrimination or harassment may do so by reporting the concern to the seminary Title IX Coordinators:


Title IX Coordinators
Steven L. Swallow and Marcia Byrd
El Seminario Teológico Unido
4501 Denlinger Road
Dayton, Ohio 45426
Email: titleix@united.edu