연합신학대학원은 예수 그리스도의 제자를 길러내는 신실하고 열매 맺는 지도자들을 준비시킨다.
연합신학대학원은 우리의 사명에 충실하면서 교육 효과와 성공에 대한 여러 측정치를 발표합니다. 가능한 경우에 연합신학대학원은ATS(신학대학협회)의 인가를 받은 신학대학들의 결과와 비교하여 그 결과를 벤치마킹합니다.
United Theological Seminary surveys its students annually. For the 2023-2024 Student Satisfaction Survey, 71% of students responded.
연합신학대학원은 학생들이 배우고 성장할 수 있는 환경을 조성해 주기 위해 많은 노력을 기울이고 있습니다. 학습 환경과 관련한 응답에서, 높은 비율의 학생들이 동의하거나 강력하게 동의한 몇 가지 주제가 있는데 그 내용들은 다음과 같습니다:
나는 연합신학대학원에서 지적으로 성장하고 있음을 느낀다.
나는 연합신학대학원에서 영적으로 성장하고 있음을 느낀다.
연합신학대학원 공동체는 나의 학업 및 영적 성장을 도와 주고 있다.
United participates in an annual survey of its graduates administered by The Association of Theological Schools. For the ATS 2023-2024 Graduating Student Questionnaire, 64% of United’s 95 graduates responded1연합신학대학원의 설문조사 결과를 참여한 다른 ATS 학교들의 결과와 비교해 봅니다.
학위 프로그램 | United Theological Seminary | 다른 ATS 학교들 |
Master of Divinity (MDiv) | 66% | 56% |
MA (MA, MACM, MMin, and MTS) | 40% | 50% |
Doctoral Degrees (DMin) | 67% | 53% |
학위 프로그램 | United Theological Seminary |
Master of Divinity (MDiv) | 89% |
Professional MA (MACM and MMin) | 94% |
Academic MA (MA and MTS) | 75% |
Doctoral Degrees (DMin) | 89% |
참고: 모든 백분율은 가장 가까운 자연수로 반올림됩니다.
[1] The Association of Theological Schools 2023-2024 Graduating Student Questionnaire, Report for United Theological Seminary compared to Total School Profile (151 participating ATS schools, 5,528 respondents). The survey was sent to students graduating with a degree or certificate from United in the 2023-2024 academic year. Data collected represents a 64% response rate of the 95 United degree- and certificate-seeking graduating students contacted (61 respondents).
[2] The 2023 alumni/ae survey was sent in April 2023 to alumni/ae who graduated with a degree or certificate from United in years ranging from the 1940s to 2022, for whom the seminary had email contact information (2,321 of 5,305 living alumni/ae). Data collected represents a 24% response rate of the 2,321 alumni/ae contacted.
[3] Or if retired, were serving in this capacity at time of retirement.
[4] Or if retired, were serving in this capacity at time of retirement.
[5] The Association of Theological Schools 2023 Strategic Information Report for United Theological Seminary, United’s programs in each ATS category are listed in parentheses following the category.
[6] Graduation rates represent the percentage of students who were able to complete their chosen degree within a specified period of time which approximates two times the normal length of the degree.
[7] Placement rates show the percent of graduates that within one year of graduation either received a vocational placement, received a non-vocational placement, or went on for further study. United collects placement data from graduating students via a required survey question on the intent to graduate form. This data is provided by the Registrar to the Association for Theological Schools (ATS) in the annual report form. Placement rates are calculated using ATS methodology from the data provided. Data collected represents 100% of the 118 United graduates in the previous academic year.
[8] Retention rates are calculated as the percentage of students who enrolled in the previous Fall or Spring who have enrolled in either of the following two semesters. Retention rates reflected above are calculated from Fall 2023 to Fall 2024.