United Theological Seminary


Since 2020, the O’Brien Library has transitioned to the digital model of operation for thesis management and preservation. The library will digitally store and preserve archival copies of the final document in designated repositories, while a “circulating” electronic copy of the document will be searchable through the online catalog and publicly accessible through the online platform, Internet Archive, or successor repository. United retains the right of embargo (delay in open access availability for theses) over all newly submitted documents for up to two years. This embargo may be extended for a longer duration, including an indefinite embargo, at the discretion of the seminary faculty and/or library staff. Students may retain the right to opt for a longer embargo period if desired.

While United supports the mission of sharing and disseminating scholarly research to promote spirit-led transformation in the world, the library will also respect a student’s right to withhold his/her thesis from public accessibility. If for any reason a student prefers not to share his/her work via the open access platform, s/he should contact the library.  Otherwise, if the library receives no communication from the student, the document will be processed on the supposition consent is provided. No contact is necessary if consent to share is freely given.

This policy does not affect students’ copyright ownership rights in their theses.

  • For students who want a bound, print copy of their document for personal use: While United will no longer be binding DMin documents, students may purchase and acquire a personal copy of their thesis through any bindery company of their choice. United, however, recommends using HF Group’s https://www.thesisondemand.com/. The website states they are “an online service dedicated to printing and binding theses and dissertations,” and the library at United has done business with this bindery for many years.
  • Students choosing to use https://www.thesisondemand.com/ should remember that United will have no responsibility for any business transactions between them and the bindery company and the cost will be at the student’s own expense.


Visit the DMin Thesis Collection Archive